Equipment Reminder

A reminder to everyone that ACFA holds survey equipment such as boards, radios, GPS, compasses available to ACFA members planning a survey.

Photographic Competition Results 2009

First prize and Quaich goes to Bruce Henry for his photo –

“Can I stand on a box please Daddy?”


Can I stand on a box please, Daddy?

Second equal places go to Sue Hothersall for “Crisp Spring Weather”  

Crisp Spring Weather


Scott Wood for “A Vertical Study” 

A Vertical Study

Raasay Survey Team Disbanded

Friday 17th April saw the Raasay Volunteers officially disbanded by Scott Wood after a week of hard work and beautiful weather. The island’s survey has now been completed save for a few minor points. John Macdonald and Scott have to be congratulated on many years of diligent work which has given rise to a series of publications on the island.