Rock Art at Kelvingrove

Over the summer ACFA carried on the task, begun during participation in Scotland’s Rock Art Project, of recording the collection of rock art held in Glasgow Life Museums’ collections at Kelvingrove Museum.

The rock art was recorded using ScRAP’s methodology and 3d images were produced which can be viewed on ACFA’s Sketchfab account via the following links.

Thanks to Glasgow Life Museums staff, particularly Jane Flint Curator of (Prehistoric) Archaeology, for arranging access and making this possible. Images on Sketchfab are reproduced courtesy of Glasgow Life Museums and Libraries Collection.

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Book launch in Killin

It was a full house for the launch of In the Glen of the Dark Goddess, A history and archaeology of Upper Glen Lochay, Killin.

Nearly a hundred people braved torrential rain to to attend the event in the McLaren Hall, Killin and most of them left having purchased a copy. A fantastic response from locals and ACFA members who travelled to the event.

Purchase a copy here

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Annual General Meeting Oct 28 2023

There was a good turn-out of members for the AGM, the business of which went smoothly. We said goodbye to three committee members, Ewen Smith and Ken Tomory who retired, and Margaret Gardiner who had served a full six years but has generously agreed to remain as a co-opted member with an interest in fund-raising. Chairperson Janie Munro expressed the committee’s and her personal thanks to the three for their service and support for the work of the committee.

Libby King, Christine McDiarmid and Iain Ross Wallace were elected as committee members bringing a mix of former experience and fresh blood.

Janie Munro presented the annual report which can be read here Annual-Report-2023-1

The winners of the annual photography competition were announced. Full results and all the entries an be seen here Members’ Photography Competition 2023 . The overall winner was Simon Davies with his aerial view of the Grimsay Wheelhouse.

Overall winner 2023, Simon Davies, Oblique view of the Grimsay Wheelhouse.

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Fundraising drive for professional analysis of Tiree lithics assemblage

In a new initiative ACFA has launched a fundraising appeal to pay for a professional analysis of the 4000 worked flints and stone tools amassed as a result of our work on the Hebridean island of Tiree. One of these tools could be a rare Skaill knife used for butchering. Lithics expert Ann Clarke visited the island in May 2023 and has expressed her enthusiasm about the assemblage and the light that it might throw on the prehistory of Tiree. Follow the link below to make a donation to our appeal.

Shieling site above Balephetrish Bay