Our first virtual AGM went off as well as could be expected for a first attempt. It was a steep learning curve for many of us. Thank you to the members who joined us on the evening. It was a pleasure to glimpse so many members.

Jennifer Boag and Janie Munro were re-appointed as treasurer and chairperson respectively, Margaret Gardiner was re-elected for a second term of three years and we welcomed Ken Tomory and Stuart Mackey as new committee members.
We said goodbye to Elaine Black who has completed her six year sentence! We hope that she continues to have an informal connection with the committee. We also said farewell to Anne MacDonald who had been our correspondence secretary for the past year.
We were also delighted to endorse Ken Mallard and Christine MacDiarmid as full members in recognition of their commitment to the work of ACFA.
After the business of the meeting Elaine Black and Ailsa Smith gave presentations on the Hynish Boundaries project in Tiree which gave the promise of exciting revelations about the age and sequence of the system of field banks and enclosures on the flanks of Ben Hynish.
Congratulations to the winners of the photography competition, Janet MacDonald, Stuart Mackey, Mary Braithwaite and over-all winner and recipient of the Quaich trophy (when we are able to present it!) Libby King.
Home and Over-all Winner


